look at pi~~~ wheeee~
tegoshi~ who, no matter what, is still very pretty XD
massu, Massu, MASSU~~~
why does only tegoshi get a close-up~?
even ryo had to share a shot with massu (totally his honour XD)
but tegoshi's sudden rise in ranking is scaring me a bit...
shige~~~ *rabu*
koyama~~~~~ *rabu rabu*
i forgot why i capped this... i think itz cuz his hair is all floaty~
in the wise words of lisa~ even ryo looks ok in this pv~
i find this interesting..
koyama, has officially lost his spot as 'the guy who stands next to pi'
ryo ACTUALLY got kicked to the side, and in his place there's TEGOSHI~!
zomg, why the sudden rise in ranking for tegoshi~?
o wait.. if i remember correctly.. this song was for Happy Feet, right~?
and since tegoshi's doing the voiceover... right... that must be it...
ok, massu's not going un-noticed *patpat*
look at massu pointing~~
massu and koyama~~~~~~
cute cute cute~~
look at massu at the back~~~
hehehe~ massu is so loved~
koyama's so cool~~~
the sacred moment where kawaii massu pops up~~~
lol~ i wonder what koyama and massu's doing XD
yay koyama~ yay yay yay~~~
*thumbs up* shige~
even ryo can't help but love massu, ne~~~?
now shige's touching him~~~ awww~~
LOL~ massu is tickling tegoshi XD
i love you massu~~~~
this makes me think that pi is trying to copy massu XD
cuz itz too cute a move~~
"should i really do this?"
"ok ok, i'm doing it"
cute~ XD
massu~~ massu~~~~~~~~~~~~
massu~ so sexy~ lol~~
it's massu's back~ LOL~
anyone else find it weird how pi doesn't get a SOLO shot~?!?!
and instead, shares one with TEGOSHI~?!
it'd make more sense if he shares it with ryo, but this just totally throws michelle off @__@
shige~ genius of fake smiles~ lol~
and massu's sexy back~~
*looks up to the direction massu is pointing to*
where massu, where~?
a while ago, i would have swooned over this sushi scene.....
*is emotionless now*
look how CUTE massu is~
reach for the stars, massu~ reach~
massu~~ kawaii~~~
me~? massu, me~?!
man, shige and pi can pass off as twins soon~
koyama~ omg~ he's so cool~~~