Thursday, April 10, 2008

Konno San to Asobo~ Part 2

Wow~ you can almost see uehara's face~


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Konno San to Asobo~ Part 1

I suffered through 5 entire episodes until FINALLY uehara is out~!!
It's a scheme~ cuz it took so long before we see him that i'm not complaining about how little scenes he has...
...let's not even go into the fact that you can hardly see him at all~ *sigh*
This is the most random drama ever~ first of all, each episode is only about 20 minutes~ plus just the opening and ending song takes up 10~
so that just leaves 10 minutes for their randomness~
I really like the girl cuz i remember her from the 'Ashita' drama~ and i love uehara takuya~~~~
i hope... they get a more... *cough* normal drama next time~
