Monday, March 06, 2006

Konayuki - Remioromen

Yupz, you guessed it~ it’s One Litre of Tears~ I’ve been trying to avoid watching 1 litre of tears because it sounded so sad. But after much persuasion from my JinP friend, I’ve started to watch it~
I’m only up to episode 6…and so far I haven’t felt much yet…I’m starting to wonder if I’m a ‘cold-blooded’ person or something…everyone’s telling me they’ve cried practically every episode…maybe I was so prepared to cry that when I’m actually confronting it, everything’s blocked out?! Let’s hope so… it is a very sad story~ And at times I feel like slapping myself. I literally hear myself asking ‘this is a tear-jerking moment, why am I not crying?!’ ~~ X_x
I guess this stuff comes from deep down inside…and deep inside of me is pure evil
So, when my friend told me to listen to Konayuki, I thought the song was kindda ‘eh…’
But now that I’ve watched part of the drama, this song sounds so good!! So good~
It’s interesting how one’s perspective of things can change sometimes. When I first heard this song, I thought it was fairly upbeat, with maybe a small sad touch in it…but now that I’ve watched 1 litres, this song sounds 10 times sadder~ >_<


chocolate said...

hahahaha u cold blooded, evil!!!??? nahhhhhh ur like the most innocent person i know
hehehe maybe except anna ( "how far have you guys gone?" ....downtown? LMAO)
btw i love that konayuki too!!! but the singer's face lehhh uhhh two word = big mole XD

mishieru said...

lol, to be honest, until this day, i haven't even watched the PV that's mostly just playing on youtube since i was too lazy to look for an mp3 version~ XD, i have no idea what the dude looks like, haha~
ahaha, ys ys, innocent anna....except when he bullies me~