Thursday, November 30, 2006


Based on a novel by Miura Ayako

The young daughter of Tsujiguchi Keizô, a respected physician who runs his own hospital, is found murdered. Keizô secretly blames his wife Natsue because he suspects her of having an affair with his colleague Murai, and having been too distracted to keep proper watch over the child. Being a proud man, he does not accuse her directly, but concocts, instead, a twisted revenge against her. Pretending it is to comfort his devastated wife, Keizô arranges for them to adopt a baby girl. What he hasn’t told Natsue, is that the baby is the orphaned daughter of the murderer, a tragic day-laborer who has hanged himself while in police custody. He plans to reveal the child’s origins after Natsue has given her heart to the child-- when it will cause the greatest possible hurt.

Over the years, Keizô has a number of experiences that shake him up and cause him to examine his own inner nature with a critical eye. In the meantime, Natsue loves the child Yôko with all her heart until the day she stumbles upon the truth. Her attitude towards Yôko changes 180 degrees, and Yôko’s life turns into a nightmare. Other characters whose lives are affected by this insidious scheme of revenge include Keizô’s colleagues, their son Tôru, who develops inappropriate romantic feelings towards his adopted sister, and Tôru’s college classmate Kitahara. Kitahara and Yôko are becoming close friends when Natsue, who feels attracted to Kitahara herself, reveals the truth of Yôko’s birth in an attempt to separate them. Yôko goes into shock and wanders out into a snowy forest where she attempts suicide by taking poison. The letter she leaves for her family is the core of the whole novel and the source of the title. The novel comes to a close with one more unexpected revelation concerning Yôko’s birth, but Yôko lies in a coma and it is not entirely clear whether she will survive.


zomg~ what a looong SP~
it was like 4 hours in total @_@
but a pretty good amount of tegoshi goodness~ michelle is happy~
the ending was so sad~ SO SAD~!
michelle cried.. *sniff*


tegoshi finally appears~ in the last half hour of part 1 or so~
he's supposed to be 24......... haha~

he's such a great brother *rabu*

zomg~~~ tegoshi is telling his parents that when he grows up, he's gonna marry his sister and leave this place~
(his sister is adopted btw, so don't be shocked XD)

he looks so hot in this cap *RABU*
i dunno.. i like the more depressed tegoshi~ (cuz he doesn't act girly then)

they shouldn't have put him in a school uniform
he looks sooo young (like, he looks his age (19) when he's in uniform)
tegoshi's so pretty~~

introducing his university friend.....
who later falls in love with his sister T_T

tegoshi senses something la... T_T

his sister and his friend's relationship gets closer and closer, tegoshi's really jealous~
but he's so cool~ he always wants his sister to be happy~ T_T

err.. i don't quite remember.. i think this was after their mom stopped yoko (the sister) from seeing the uni friend, and so tegoshi said that they can leave together
but he got rejected T_T

tegoshi's so girly here XD
but he's such a great brother~ he's putting food on yoko's plate and then telling her to eat~~ *rabu*

tegoshi wanted to give yoko a wedding ring, but in the end he didn't....... T_T

start of hyoten part 2~
yoko finds out that she's the daughter of the murderer and she goes commit suicide~

it turns out that she wasn't even the daughter of the murderer... what a turn of events, eh~?

so sad~ yoko tells tegoshi that her friend likes him, so why can't he give her a chance~
tegoshi says something like, 'if that's what you want...' and he goes to yoko's friend T_T
omg~ he'll do anything for her~

trust me... michelle was crying buckets~
lol~ no.. this wasn't what made me cry XD surprisingly....
but i do feel bad that tegoshi's first kiss (on tv) wasn't given to a prettier girl.... T_T

they make a promise that they will go sking together in january~
and they both know that tegoshi's gonna propose...

that has such a gachibaka feel~ following the storyline.. he should be about 24-25 now
lol~ ya right... he still looks 18
anywayz~ there's been an earthquake~ and yoko and the mom's looking all through the hospital for the dad and tegoshi~

tegoshi's friend's leg got amputated...
or however you spell it.. T_T michelle doesn't care right now

THIS~! this is where michelle started bawling like crazy T_T
cuz tegoshi got rejected....
yoko decided to be with tegoshi's friend.. because he needs her.. and apparently, she loves him now...
tegoshi and yoko loved each other.... why does this always happen in life~?
two ppl love each other and is goona be together... but then because of events that happen... they don't T_T T_T T_T *cries*

yoko gives the wedding ring back... T_T
zomg~ tegoshi is such a great actor~ i feel so sad for him...
he's so much better at gloomy characters than genki genki ones (genki for him = girly *shakes head*)

this line made michelle sooooo sad T_T

it's ok tegoshi~ i'll lend you massu for now T_T


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