Saturday, April 29, 2006

Kurosagi~ Epi 2

ok...i thought about it...shige appeared in busu-koi for only 2 minutes or so...and i made 61 caps...and there was a whole hour of jam-packed yamapi + koyama goodness in epi 2 of kurosagi..and i was too lazy to cap...+_+
itz ok if it leaves me poofed out...for the sake of yama^2, i'm gonna start capping XD

EDIT: lol...i actually made a total of 298 caps XD i think i did poofed myself out a lil +_+
katie...u better at least scroll through this~! cuz i only capped this cuz u refuse to watch epi 2 XD


Koyama's back~! XD

satoshi (koyama) recognizes kurosaki

satoshi getting a lil' too excited...

me-i-ji-ing kurosaki

koyama...i'm praying that the director told u to cry...cuz i doubt even girls cry as much as you did when they re-encounter long-lost friends +_+

it's rumored that they really are drinking beer...O_o....they're both of age though~ so it's ok ^_^

korosaki and satoshi reflects on how the met in high school~ such a sweet scene~!!

that orange thing's a basketball satoshi just threw at the fence ^_^
couldn't really cap that properly...

koyama with black hair~! XD

look how hot koyama is when he climbs fences like a monkey XD

koyama sounded so cute here~

kurosaki's smiling~!

look at their buddy handshake~!

kurosaki smiling~!!!

still smiling XD

kurosaki realizes that satoshi is an akasaki~ *sniff*

koyama looks hot in this pic XD

EVIL~!!!!!!!!!!!! he did it on purpose *slap*

tsurara (maki) moving in to her new apartment

tsurara sees kurosaki's cat and calls him at that cat glare...+_+

kurosaki's new disguise~

tsurara and kurosaki realizes that they live next to each other (kurosaki owns the whole apartment)

satoshi's sister, also the target akasagi~

kurosaki looks dorky XD

he says...or rather...even show that he's 21~ XD

satoshi faking a hospital card~ we'll see the card later in the epi~

XD koyama sits like me in front of the computer XD ahaha, i cross my legs too~ what a co-winki-dink~

satoshi tells his sister he's really happy cuz he saw his old sad *sniff* since i know what will happen later *cries*

kurosaki deciding whether or not he wants to do this~?

kurosaki goes to the old man and asks for a pin-hole camera *sniff* we'll know what he'll use it for later...

kurosaki and satoshi at a restaurant

satoshi tells kurosaki that he is an akasagi~!
satoshi~!! u trust ppl too easily~! *sniff*

kurosaki returns home~

the policeman with the weird laugh is sitting there, waiting for him...

this teaches us..if someone suspects you...act stupid~

next day~? kurosaki and the akasagi

kurosaki tells the akasagi that he wishes to open a flower shop with her and that with the 30,000,000 yen the akasagi has and the 100,000,000 yen that he has, they can do it together...

the akasagi goes home and tells her brother, satoshi, about the 100,000,000 she was offered

lol...satoshi nods to everything his sister preaches to him XD

very very naive satoshi goes and tells kurosaki about his sister's latest 'catch'

satoshi tells kurosaki that he has prepared a gift for his victim~

koyama~ so cute~!

lol, and it just so happens that satoshi's victim is tsurara's friend~

the present satoshi prepared were sandwiches~!! awwwwwww...

HUG~!!, i don't mind getting conned by koyama XD
no..wait...i'd choose money over him~ XD never mind...

kurosaki's watching from afar...

kurosaki warns tsurara's friend about satoshi...

satoshi cons the girl of her money by telling her that his mother's in the hospital, and he needs money~ so when the girl calls the hospital and realizes that it was all fake, she goes to kurosaki and asks him to help...

just more talk with the akasagi~ "let's open a store" "ok~"..stuff like that...

koyama in the kitchen~!!!

kurosaki tells the akasagi that he wants her to first transfer her money into his account and then he will transfer all the money to japan (his "account" is supposedly in america)

the girl meets with satoshi to create a diversion (or else satoshi would have been in charge of spying on kurosaki...)

the girl asks why her mother wasn't in the hospital she called

satoshi tells her she called the wrong hospital, and pulls out the fake card he made earlier~


the scene switches to kurosaki and the akasagi transfering money

scene switches back...XD and they're still hugging~ sad...the girl kicked satoshi...

satoshi is told that kurosaki has warned her about him...

satoshi gets punched~ *cries* don't you have any reflexes to dodge~???? you're getting beat up by a girl~!!!

the money is transferred etc...and kurosaki gives back the girl her money...

by the time satoshi comes home to warn her sister, they've already been conned...

so sad.............he's been betrayed by his friend...

kurosaki had filmed satoshi talking about him being an akasagi, and he gave the video tape to the police~!! so sad...

satoshi and his sister getting arrested...i don't like it...but i just loved the performance koyama that how u spell it? @_@ ya..u know what i mean...

kurosaki posing...seriously...

satoshi asks kurosaki why he's betrayed him~! ya..i wanna know why too~! *cries*

"cuz you're my friend" whatever...there were other ways you could have done this...WITHOUT handing your friend to the police~!!

ahh~ poor koyama~!! the evil evil policeman pushed him into the fence~!! koyama better be getting a lot of money for this camero~!!!! his poor single-eyelid may get injured XD

kurosaki looking concerned. at least u still have a heart~!! friend-betrayer~!!

the policeman tells kurosaki to come to the other side of the fence to save his friend...interesting metaphor with fences...

satoshi climbed the fence to be with kurosaki in high school...but i guess kurosaki couldn't do the same...

i was seriously tearing up here...ya...i find getting betrayed by a friend even more painful than the "1 litre of tears" weird as i may sound...i just felt more like crying here...

kurosaki returns home and tsurara asks him how he can betray his friend...

tsurara asks about his family...

 should look guilty...u made Pi cry~!! but serves him right for betraying his friend...

<--END i conclude....this proves i'm not cold-blooded~! XD
i didn't cry for 1 litres, but at least i teared up for this ^_^
i'm human again... XD


Anonymous said...

i watched ep2 la
thx to ur caps
made me go on youtube and search ep2 XD
i love ep2 yamapi looks good in this ep >o<

Anonymous said...

wah.... that must've took alot of time to do so many caps n' captions.. ho ging ar lei michelle...
yamapi looks so ying.. except when he has a beard lol.