Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Daite Senorita PV

Just watched Yamapi's new PV (now now, after my constant fangirling about Kurosagi, please tell me you know that Daite Senorita is the themesong Pi sang~ well, if you didn't you know now XD)
I was told this was just the short version since it's only 2 + minutes when the songs actually 3 + minutes~
Umm, there's totally no dance scenes this time and the PV's just full of, mmm, let's think...there's fighting, fighting, Pi beating up a lot of ppl, a lot of ppl beating up Pi...and o ya, more fighting~
so, generally, it's just a showcase of how hot pi looks as a 'bad boy' and looking totally hot...ahaha, lame as the idea was...i'm totally loving it all the same~
pi looks hot with his headphones...and although i have no idea why he's pigging out on food in the PV....Pi looks hot.... XD

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