Thursday, June 01, 2006

Busu no Hitomi ni Koishiteru~ Epi 2

Finally watched epi 2 of busu~~ ^_^
nothing really special...except always keep an eye out for shige walking around in the background~~ btw, katie~ this is shige~ he's not the one who got suspended from NewS~! XD
and massu is going to have a new drama this summer or autumn~! so johnny DID NOT reduce his activity due to the [stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid] smoking rumor [that is so not true~!!!]


Shige cleaning dishes~!

shige walking past~!

shige at the back~!


he turns more~!

this was just funny cuz osamu and the new kid peeks at the door to try to persuade miyuki to come to their variety show~! XD



lol~! so cute~! keep an eye on the white fish slice thing with the pink strips~ miyuki puts different amount in the noodles depending on her mood XD

shige~! every single shot of him is precious/rare XD

notice the fishy slice's getting smaller~!


there's only half a slice left now~! cuz osamu keeps bothering miyuki~ and she's giving him less and less fishy slice~~

that's shige's head poking in~! for once he's not wearing a bandana~ ( that how you spell it.. +_+)

cuz osamu's annoying, miyuki's practising how to use those electric shocking things~ so while she's practising, shige pops in~

shige hears the "pzzz" sound the shocking thing makes and turns around~

there's no fishy slice left~!


shige's back~!

shige at the back~!

aww~ in the end~ osamu gets 2 fishy slices in his ramen~~~

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