Saturday, June 10, 2006

Kurosagi~ Epi 9

This epi was kindda sad towards the end *sniff*
kurosaki feels lonely~?


kurosaki gets hit on the head~ haha~ so cute~

new disguise~ kindda reminds me of the thug in first epi~ but the hair's way better without the mountainload of gel XD

that's tsurara cooking.....interesting how she's using 4 chopsticks to fry the rice...never tried that before XD...i kindda wanna try now...

this cup noodle appeared so many times this epi~ kurosaki keeps eating it~ and tsurara picks one up when he drops it..wonder if it's a real brand...cuz if it is~ they must have paid a lot of money for the advertising XD
wonder what it tastes

he's holding a phone, btw...not sure if it's visable~

very mature, kurosaki....+_+

epi 10 preview~ the end~?!

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