Friday, August 04, 2006

Dandori~ Dance Drill~ Epi 4

massu~~ *rabu rabu*


the baseball team finds out that they're gonna be playing last years champion...or something like that... XD

in case i haven't mentioned before..carlos is just a back-up in the baseball now his goal is to...err...not be a back-up XD

kaname~~ lol~

he decides that he's not going to see kaname until he becomes 'officially' part of the baseball team~ aww~~

kaname's mom finds carlos and his friend lurking around the town festival~ ^_^

kaname's high school was going to have a stage play, but it started to rain...

so, the play moves indoors~ and carlos helps with the moving~~
ATTENTION~ please notice carlos' hat~ it falls in this scene~~
massu is the one to the far right~!

hat's starting to fall...

think the guy facing the camera notices the fallen hat...and he looks like he wants to say something XD

you can see the hat falling~ i circled it with red cuz it looks blur~ XD

massu realizes~~~

and bends down to pick it up~~~ *rabu*

lol, don't know what they're doing...but it looks like they're having fun XD

the play is romeo and juliet, by the way...

part where juliet dies... LOL
please keep your eyes on massu~ his reaction is cho kawaii~ (although a tad dramatic...haha)


OMG~!!!!!! i wanna watch next week's~!!!!!!!
itz about massu~~~~~ well, carlos~~~~
kaname's cheerleading team is going to cheer on the baseball team in the end~ and i think carlos is doing something to help out the cheerleading team in the beginning...yay~ please please please let him show off a few flips or something~~ *rabu*

ahh~ so exciting~ next week's epi's all sound so good~ first hanayome with koyama-goodness and now massu's too~~~~
TEGOSHI~~~ you're next~~~ MBMH better be filled with tegoshi-goodness next week~
so, it'll be like a NewS week~~ yay~~ *fangirls*
yupz...just talking nonsense, if you've read up to this point...good for you~ you deserve a hug~! *hugz*


Anonymous said...

LOL @ your caps of Massu's hat falling- XD way too cute Michelle!-

OMG- Juliet and Romeo bowing and Massu clapping!- CHO KAWAII!!!!- *squeals*

TEGOSHI TEGOSHI!!!! AHHHHHHHH- it's tomorrow!- =D

LOL- the last cap- the guy in the Orange cracks me up!- XD hahaha-

mishieru said...

lol~ isn't he soooo cute~~~~~ *rabu*
yay~~ tegoshi~~~ tomorrow's today and today's yesterday~~ (quoting D.W. from Arthur XD)

LOL, very observant....i never noticed the dude in the orange XD