Sunday, March 27, 2011

誰家灶頭無煙火~ Be Home for Dinner

TVB is making many of their hosts act in their dramas lately, which definitely isn't bad cuz many of them has such sexy voices~!
I used to really like 敖嘉年, Pierre Ngo, cuz he has such a nice, smooth voice. I was glad he started getting popular cuz of his drama roles in Rosy Business (巾幗梟雄) and whatever followed (i actually never watched them, lol). But then he started sounding really arrogant in the news about his new found fame *sigh*

That's why, moving on.
Another TVB host with a sexy voice: 陳智燊, Jason Chan.
He's usually a host for TVB's pearl channel, so he's fluent in English~!
What's even more awesome is he grew up in Britain, so he has an English accent!

He got his first lead role in 誰家灶頭無煙火 Be Home for Dinner.
Another one of those half hour shows, like 同事三分親 or 畢打自己人, that's probably going to last for a few months. Not sure if this one's gonna be extended though, cuz it doesn't have as many big names as the previous long-running dramas.
One thing the producers did terribly wrong is not let the guy flaunt his sexy, English accent in his sexy voice~! (Actually, I surprisingly find his voice sexier when he speaks Chinese, haha)
He comes back from Canada (?! Why not let him be from his home country, Britain?) in the first episode and brings along a white friend.
HELLO~?! Let him talk to his white friend in his fluent, sexy (yes, I'm going to keep using this word) English!
But nooooooo, he speaks CHINESE to his poor, white friend; whose actor is forced to painstakingly memorize a Chinese script to respond to him, poor white guy.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

MICHELLE! You have a blog!? WHAT?!