Sunday, August 06, 2006

My Boss My Hero~ Epi 5

tegoshi~~~ another funny epi XD


LOL, look at the size of those things~ i wanna eat~~!!

LOL, thatz koki before he joined maki's gang XD

please note how tegoshi pushed koki away when maki woke up XD

koki's death glare XD

Tegoshi: *thinking* you...held hands with yui~?!

I like this cap a lot~~

LOL, koki pretending to be a girl so maki can practise apologizing~

LOL maki broke a pencil with his bare hands XD

haha, maki's lunch bag has his name on cute~

protective gf alert XD

the girls are explaining how girls don't mean it when they say they hate, look how clueless they look...


chocolate said...

LMAOOOOOO the pic where maki breaks the pencil XD tegoz expression is SO DAM FUNNY XD HAHAHAHAHAHAAH

i couldnt stop laughing for a whole minute XD

Anonymous said...

WOW- those are really big rice balls- are they called rice balls?- haha- I remember seeing them in Dragon Ball!- XD

MICHELLE!!!- OMG- is Tegoshi holding an axe in this cap?-

it looks like the teacher is getting killed!- X__x

awww- tegoshi's sad-pouting face is so cute!- and LOL to his reaction when Maki broke a pencil- HAHAHAHA- omg- too funny!- XD ahhhhhhh- I'm still dling ep 5!- T_T

mishieru said...

@ meiji~
lol~ isn't tegoshi just adorable~?

@ lisa~
lol~ no~ the teacher was wearing a costume...and that axe is stuck on her head XD
it's pretty funny XD
ah~ epi 5's probably finished DLing by now~ yay~~~ isn't it cool~?! XD