Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bengoshi no Kuzu~ Epi 6

This epi mainly talked about a man being accused of harassing a lady on the train~
The man claims to be innocent, yet appears to be hiding something~
it turns out that he has been putting on a fake facade all these years (mmm, reminds me of shuuji from nobuta oh~ but with a twist XD) it turns out that he was gay, and even though he was married, he never even had sex with his wife.
Mmm, fake facades~ i liked this epi~ there's nothing wrong with being gay oh~ i thought the couple was very sweet~ how they supported each other no matter what. Even when the man was getting married, his other half gave him his blessing~
i'm glad in the end they went back together. But the bengoshi is right T_T
they're going to encounter a lot of hardships now that they've come out of the closet...what a sad world...


Anonymous said...

ya- the world is quite sad- cuz there's so much criticism and everyone is so judge mental- there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay!- in fact- I have bi friends- and they are very normal to me- I've known them for years anways- however- lol- I think it would be kind of scary if she was interested in me though- other than that- I think bi/gay ppl are absolutely cool!- ^_^ they tend to be somewhat more loyal in relationships too!- =)

mishieru said...

yes yes~! society's sad in such a way~
ahh~ very true, to be commited to something, especially relationships~ that's very special, ne~?!