Monday, July 24, 2006

Oishii Puropozu

Say you were a single woman at a marriageable age and a young, charming, and wealthy man of high social standing proposed to you. What would you do?

Suzuko Shiraishi, a strong-minded attractive female chef, is known for her foul mouth and masterly cooking skills. With an attitude like hers, she would reject such a proposal without a doubt. Suzuko works at an Italian restaurant and dreams of opening her own restaurant someday. A new manager is hired for the Italian restaurant – Haruki Katsuragi, a naïve and stinking rich young fellow. Suzuko wants the restaurant to be an authentic Italian cuisine with mass appeal but Haruki demands a high-end place designed especially for celebrities. The two don’t click from the start. Will there be a tasty proposal? This drama is an entertaining romantic comedy about an independent woman and a young rich guy.

Suzuko Shiraishi (Hasegawa Kyoko)

A female chef who trained in Italy. Together with the manager, Tamio Okouchi, she runs an authentic Italian restaurant known for their reasonable prices. Suzuko’s father ran his own restaurant before he passed but it was sold to pay off her elder brother, Toru’s debt. She dreams of opening her own restaurant someday. The waitress, Maki Kashiwagi, and Suzuko are high school buddies and are rooming together.

Haruki Katsuragi (Koide Keisuke)

A young wealthy guy. The son of Dozo Katsuragi, chairman of a major food service company.

Haruki is pressured by his father to be like his late-brother. His secretary and chaperon, Takanobu Okouchi, is often pushed around by his aggressive personality. His childhood friend, Michiru Asakura, is obsessed with him but he’s interested in his brother’s former fiance, Saori Shimazaki. Unable to tell Saori his true feelings, Haruki takes her to Suzuko’s restaurant on her birthday. As the new owner of the restaurant, he orders “a meal that will make a dear friend happy”. Watch and see what Suzuko prepares!

Credits: Dramawiki


Okies~ after watching, i thought that the 2 main characters lacked chemistry...but the guy is really sweet, especially towards the end~!
I actually thought that the story in the beginning, where haruki was in love with his late brother's fiance was even more touching~! It was so sad how the 2 actually liked each other, but because haruki reminded the girl of her late fiance too much that she decided to leave...
The ending was a little unpredictable...for 5 minutes XD
and then the rest was pretty much how a romance drama would end (that practically gave everything away, didn't it)
yupz~ overall~ i thought the story was ok, nothing totally out of the ordinary~ i was just disappointed at the lack of chemistry...but it was nice to see keisuke in a lead role~ although i don't think the ratings were all that, not suer if we'll see more of him in the lead anytime soon XD

overall~ 8.7/10

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