Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hanayome wa Yakudoshi~ Epi 1

Ahh~ There's so many more koyama-goodness in the first epi than nurse aoi~ ^_^
Hope this continues~ cuz with all the characters being introduced in the first epi~ i think koyama had a relatively big part oh~~~

Hanayome wa Yakudoshi!

Taketomi Akiko (Shinohara Ryoko) was the top newscaster in a tv station~ However, because of her age (gosh, she's only 32...weird ppl...) she is being replaced by a younger newbie newscaster. Her boyfriend splits up with her and moves to another country, so left with nothing, she returns to the TV station hoping to get her job back~ She was promised that she may return to become a reporter if she promises to participate in a variety show. She was to pretend to be someone's fiance and go live in the country for 3 months~

At this time, she meets her old boyfriend, in whom she hasn't seen in 10 years, Azuchi Ichiro (Yabe Hiroyuki), whose family runs a peach farm~ And so~ Forcing Ichiro to lie to his family about their 'engagement', Taketomi goes to the peach farm, only to realize that Ichiro's mother is very difficult to handle...

And so~ Koyama is Azuchi Jiro~ younger brother of Ichiro~ Although he helps out in the family peach farm, he actually is allergic to peaches. He is saving his money in hopes of going to Tokyo one day~ And although he is [super] kakkoi~ however, he doesn't have a girlfriend...

Is it just me~? or does it seem like Johnny boys rarely appear in the opening credits~? lol, you bet i freaked out when i saw koyama~~~~~!!!

Ah~ too cute oh~!

first appearence in the drama~! Azuchi Jiro calling his big brother~

Look look~ his name oh~ Azuchi Jiro~ 22~ ^_^
and, the father of the family dead~? cuz he's 52, but the wife is 59~ i heard that japanese like to marry women that were a little older than them~ but they rarely show that in dramas, no~?

The famous koyama vs. piggy bank scene~
ah~ he was introduced as kakkoi oh~ he is, he is~~~

look at the green hat~!

remember her~? she's satoshi's akasagi sister from Kurosagi~! she's in the same drama as koyama again~ oooh~ lucky her oh~

*squeals* think it's the first close up~~~

he SNEEZED~ his sneeze was so cute~~~~~~~~~~~~~

tissues~ and even Taketomi said that he is very kakkoi~~~~~~~ he is, he is oh~! ^_^

he's blowing his nose~~~~~~~~~~~~~

look at him hug the tissue box~~~

i am loving his fringe~~~ lol, although it looks like it's poking them a little XD

the immediately sit up staight when the mom comes home~ lol, the power the mom has~


Anonymous said...

KOYAMA!- AHHHHHHHH- he's so cute on the bed- XD omg- look at all those piggy banks- woah- there's so many of them!- and Koyama looks really hot in a yellow tank!- XD his sneeze IS really cute from the screencaps- you know- I am like secretly in love with Koyama's eyes- haha- they're so beautiful- I noticed how cute and pretty they are from watching the Nippon DVD- XD altho he has single eyelid- his eyes are quite big!- ooo- so cute!- XD

流鬼 said...

yuppppppppp, thatz a lot more koyama in this drama for sure...a LOT more than Nurse Aoi...I was so disappointed >3<

mishieru said...

ahaha~ single eyelids rule~!!
(this is coming from someone with single-eyelids...XD)
yes~~ koyama is so cool~~~
i love NewS~! they're all so great~~~
now, everyone cross your fingers~! hope koyama has the same amount of scenes in every single episode, if not more oh~~~